The Vertex is located on the righthand side of the horoscope in the western section of the wheel. This point refers to the intersection of the ecliptic and the prime vertical in the heavens. Sometimes the Vertex is also called the Third Angle of the chart.
The Vertex, like many other astrological characteristics discussed in Karmic Astrology, is about fate. It represents an important life instruction. The Vertex mostly falls between the Fifth and Eighth Houses. Its exact point varies depending on the individual's birth date, time and place.
Astrologically, the Vertex and the Anti-Vertex (the opposite point of the Vertex) indicate karmic events in the life of an individual regarding cause and effect. Be careful of what you wish for, as it just might come true when the Vertex and the Anti-Vertex come into play. Wishes and hopes can be fulfilled in a very perverse manner; you may get what you ask for, but not without suffering, sacrifice or potential tragedy. These are the prices of asking for too much at the wrong time. Personal relationships are especially highlighted.
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